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Email Security

Protect Your Business from Email-Based Threats.

Contact us to learn how Code Hyper One’s Email Security service can protect your business from email-based cyber threats.

Email Security by Code Hyper One

Email remains one of the most common vectors for cyberattacks, with phishing, malware, and ransomware often delivered straight to your inbox. Code Hyper One’s Email Security solution provides advanced protection against email-based threats, ensuring your communications are secure and your business is safeguarded from data breaches. With real-time threat detection, anti-phishing measures, and automated response capabilities, our email security services protect your business while ensuring that your email remains a safe and efficient tool for communication.

Threat Detection

Harmful attachments and malware are automatically detected and quarantined.

Phishing Protection

Sophisticated algorithms analyse email content and attachments.

Compromise Prevention

Continuous monitoring of user login locations and activities.

Advanced Phishing Protection

Our email security solution uses AI-powered algorithms to detect and block phishing attempts before they reach your inbox. These proactive measures stop malicious emails that attempt to steal credentials or deliver malware.

  • AI-Powered Detection: Sophisticated algorithms analyse email content and attachments to detect phishing attempts in real-time.
  • Link Scanning: All email links are scanned for malicious intent, ensuring users are protected from clicking on harmful links.

Real-Time Threat Detection and Blocking

With real-time monitoring, our email security platform instantly detects and blocks threats such as malware, viruses, and ransomware before they can cause any damage.

  • Instant Blocking: Harmful attachments and malware are automatically detected and quarantined, keeping your systems safe from infection.
  • Zero-Day Protection: Defend against previously unknown threats with continuous updates that ensure protection from the latest cyberattacks.

Email Account Compromise Prevention

Prevent unauthorised access to employee email accounts with advanced account protection features. We monitor for suspicious activity such as unauthorised logins and block attempts to hijack email accounts.

  • Account Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of user login locations and activities to detect anomalies.
  • Suspicious Activity Alerts: Immediate alerts notify you of potential account compromise attempts, allowing for swift action.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Our email security platform includes data loss prevention features, ensuring that sensitive information such as financial records, personal data, or proprietary business information is not accidentally or maliciously shared outside your organisation.

  • Content Filtering: Automatically scans emails for sensitive data and prevents unauthorised information from being sent out.
  • Customised Policies: Set specific rules and policies to meet your business’s data protection requirements.

Automated Incident Response

Our system automatically responds to email threats by isolating compromised accounts, quarantining suspicious messages, and providing detailed reports for IT teams to take action.

  • Automated Quarantine: Potentially harmful emails are automatically quarantined, allowing your team to review them before they can cause harm.
  • Detailed Reporting: Comprehensive incident reports provide insights into detected threats and actions taken, helping to enhance your overall security posture.

Why Choose Code Hyper One for Email Security?

At Code Hyper One, we understand that email is a critical part of your business, and securing it is essential. Our Email Security solution provides comprehensive protection against phishing, malware, and account compromise, ensuring that your communications remain safe and your data secure. By leveraging AI and automation, we deliver powerful protection while minimising the need for manual intervention, allowing your team to focus on their work with peace of mind.

Secure Your Emails Today

Contact us to learn how Code Hyper One’s Email Security service can protect your business from email-based cyber threats.

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